Are you interested in the newest technologies? Visit Nanoday in Prague where you can get your hands on the most interesting novelties from the Czech nanotechnologies. We will explain how the world which we can see only through a microscope works and we will show you...
Všichni víme, že se nám doma velmi rychle kazí ovoce a zelenina. Z tohoto důvodu vyhazujeme mnoho potravin. Už naše babičky věděly, že například jablko s banánem nemáme dávat do stejné ošatky, protože pak banán velmi rychle dozraje. Dělaly tak, aniž by tušily, proč se...
Are you interested in state-of-the-art technology? Come to the Nano Day in Prague and try out the most attractive new products of Czech nanotechnology. You will learn about the world that can only be seen under a special microscope and see what one can do in that world.