Czech nanocosmetics celebrated success in Milan

In recent years, the cosmetic industry has experienced a huge revolution thanks to nanotechnology. This advanced science makes it possible to use miniature particles to produce more ecological, economical, but above all more effective cosmetic products.

As early as the days of the Roman Empire in ancient times, women used various creams, soaps and oils to beautify themselves and maintain a fresh and youthful appearance. Not much has really changed in that regard. Even nowadays, women want to be beautiful and attractive. Only the huge range of cosmetic products here in Italy cannot be compared to ancient Rome at all. Is it possible to invent something new? In the Czech Republic, we have a clear answer to that.

Cosmetica Italia

Nanofiber is a key element for a new generation of cosmetics without preservatives, problematic chemicals and allergens. The Czech Republic is the country of nanofibers and Italy is one of the world leaders in cosmetics. By combining the Italian cosmetics industry and Czech nanotechnologies, an innovative platform of international reach can be created. That is why we in the Association of the Nanotechnology Industry of the Czech Republic joined forces with Cosmetica Italia the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Milan and organized a joint seminar under the auspices of Alena Šeredová. Its goal was to acquaint the world-famous Italian cosmetic companies with the best innovations for cosmetics, which are created here, in the Czech Republic.

Akce se účastnil Generální konzul ČR, nejvyšší představitelé Cosmetica Italia a řada italských výrobců kosmetiky
The event was attended by the Consul General of the Czech Republic, top representatives of Cosmetica Italia and a number of Italian cosmetics manufacturers

Nanotechnology solves the problem of the effectiveness of cosmetics

The main problem with cosmetic products is not a lack of knowledge about active substances, today it is very well known what works for wrinkles or pigmented spots. The problem, however, is that ordinary preparations cannot get these active substances into the skin very effectively. Traditional creams and serums often fail to penetrate deep into the skin, limiting their effectiveness. Nanotechnology solves this problem by enabling an almost 100% efficient transfer of active substances to the deeper layers of the skin.

Dry nanofiber masks and plasters made only from active ingredients

Jedním z průlomových produktů v kosmetickém průmyslu jsou suché nanovlákenné masky. Tyto masky využívají ultratenká nanovlákna která jsou vyrobená pouze z účinných látek, jako je vitamin C, vitamin E a kyselina hyaluronová. Neobsahují navíc žádné konzervanty, silikony ani parabeny, pouze účinné látky. Díky své struktuře a velikosti nanovlákna umožňují maximální absorpci těchto látek do pokožky. Stačí navlhčit pleť na obličeji vodou a přiložit na ni masku z nanovlákenné membrány. Na trhu v České republice máme například podoční nanovlákenné masky, které dokáží vyhladit po použití až 75 % jemných vrásek po pouhých 48 hodinách od aplikace. 

Nanotechnology is also used in the treatment of nail and foot fungus, where cosmetic products based on biocompatible nanofibers are used, which adhere to nails and skin and gradually release extracts from oregano and aloe vera. These substances effectively eliminate mycosis of the skin and prevent its return. 

Nanotechnology in cosmetics represents the future. The Czech Republic has become a pioneer in this area, especially in the production and development of nanofiber cosmetic products. Together with our Italian partners, we can connect the cosmetic tradition of ancient Rome with Czech nanofibers.

The Czech cosmetic nano industry in Italy was represented by:

nanoSPACE Technology – research, development and production of new nanofibrous materials

Nanopharma – manufacturer of nanocosmetics NanoBeauty, formulation research and development

NanoMedical – research, development and production of new nanofibrous materials

Nafigate Corporation - innovative trends in sustainable cosmetics

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