Společnost Pardam Nano4fibres společně s Inovačním centrem Ústeckého kraje připravily pro zájemce událost MadeInUsti Region, v rámci které se budete moci podívat nejen na vývoj a výrobu nanovlákna, ale také na výrobu nanovlákenných respirátorů. Na online události si...
Press releases
Recommended: Czech Producers of Nanofiber Protective Equipment
We present to you our list of producers and suppliers of nanofiber filtration membrane products protecting the respiratory system. All of them are members of the Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association. The list includes producers and suppliers of nano face masks, nano respirators, nano filters for textile masks featuring a pocket, as well as antivirus scarfs and neck gaiters with a nanofiber filter.
Pardam Awarded as the Most Innovative Business of the Ústí nad Labem Region
On Tuesday, 2 February 2021, the Innovation Centre of the Ústí Region together with the CzechInvest agency and the Ústí and Labem Region announced the best business innovators in 2020. Pardam Nano4fibers took 1st place in the category of small and medium enterprises.
Czech Republic Has Its First Reusable Nanofiber FFP3 Respirator w/o Expiration Valve With Virus Capturing Efficiency Exceeding 99.5%
PARDAM NANO4FIBERS s.r.o. of the Czech Republic has managed to develop, produce, and get certified a nanofiber respirator compliant with the most stringent requirements of FFP3 class. It is the first reusable nanofiber FFP3 respirator without an expiration valve produced in the Czech Republic.