Invitation to the networking events with presentations of the leading Czech nanotechnology researchers and manufacturers in BENELUX

The Czech Republic is one of the global leaders in research, development and industrial production based on nanotechnologies in various sectors: from scientific instrumentation and optics, through biotechnology to environmental applications, energy sector, textile and beyond. 

Dynamic growth, based on outstanding applied research, is linked, among others, to a long tradition and world-leading position in electron microscopy R&D and production, revolutionary nanofibre production machines or to the smart self-cleaning coatings containing titanium-dioxide nanocrystals which achieve the highest cleaning efficiency in the world. The reason for this global success is a linkage of Czech top research centres with the business community and the rapid application of innovations in practice. 

With the purpose to share state of the art in research and business and create opportunities to discuss collaboration,

The Embassy of the Czech Republic to Luxembourg

The Embassy of the Czech Republic to Belgium

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in The Hague 

would like to invite you to a networking events with presentations of the leading Czech researchers and of members of the Czech Nanotechnology Industry Association. 

Thuesday, 29th March, 2022
9:45 – 14:00
Embassy of the Czech Republic
2, rond-point Schuman,L-2545 Luxembourg

Wednesday, 30st March, 2022

10,00 – 14,00
Prague HouseAvenue Palmerston 16, 1000 Bruxelles

Thursday, 31st March, 2022

12:00 – 16:30
Residence of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic
Burgemeester van Karnebeeklaan 1, 2585 BA, Den Haag

Seminar with presentations of leading Czech research centres and members of Nanotechnology Industry Association
Cocktail reception with B2B discussions

Czech mission participants

Dr. Michal Urbánek – CEITEC/VUT Brno
Prof. David Lukáš – Technical University of Liberec
Prof. Michal Otyepka – RCPTM/PU Olomouc
Prof. Radek Zbořil – RCPTM/PU Olomouc
Doc. Pavel Banáš – CATRIN/PU Olomouc

Mr. Jiří Kůs
President of the Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association

Lada Vyvialova Creative Platform s.r.o. (Mrs. Lada Vyvialová)
The LADA fashion design studio focuses on the use of nanotextiles in the design of its women’s clothing collections.

LIFETECH s.r.o. (Mr. Michael Carvan)
Czech technological company with a global reach and top know-how in pool, drinking and wastewater treatment. The firm deals with air disinfection and deodorization and also applications of nanoparticles. It uses the photocatalysis process, ozone technology, UV, and AOP (Advanced Oxidation Process).

nanoSPACE s.r.o. (Ms. Lucie Konečná)
Manufacturer of barrier-free bedding people suffering from allergies and antivirus scarves. The largest Czech online store with nanofiber products.

SVCS PROCESS INNOVATION s.r.o. (Mr. Jarek Dolák)
The main products of SVCS are atmospheric, LPCVD and PECVD thermal reactors for the production of silicon wafers.

Nanopharma a.s. (Mrs. Markéta Klíčová)
Engineering company focusing on research, development and production of innovative material solutions using nanofiber structures for the specific needs of research and industry

IQS Group s.r.o. (Mr.Tomáš Těthal)
Young technology company that works as an architect and builder of structures in the size of a human hair, but also a thousand times smaller. These structures are so small that they can bend a beam of light, create a supporting scaffold for cell growth, or help to produce clean energy.

NanoTrade s.r.o. (Mr.Ladislav Torčík)
The company carries out applied research and development in the field of antibacterial applications and functional antibacterial nanosilver® underwear.

FN-NANO s.r.o. (Mr Jan Jonáš)
The company introduced highly efficient photocatalytic coatings of the 2nd generation – functional coatings FN NANO® with an extremely strong photocatalytic effect and other products using the same technology.

TESCAN ORSAY HOLDING a.s. (Mr. M. Hrabovský, Mr. R. Vaňa)
The company is one of the world’s leading suppliers of scanning electron microscopes and custom assemblies for use in material engineering, industry, biology, forensics, and scientific laboratories.

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