Nanovlákno je klíčovým prvkem pro novou generaci kosmetiky bez konzervantů, problematických chemikálií a alergenů.
Press releases
Zveme vás na to nejlepší z českého nano průmyslu do Liberce
27. září proběhne na Technické univerzitě v Liberci expo nanotechnologických firem pod názvem NanoCzech, která je dosud největší nanotechnologickou akcí v historii českého nanoprůmyslu. Přijďte se podívat na to, jak funguje svět, který vidíme pouze pod elektronovým...
Invitation to NANODAY ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM 2022
Zajímají vás české nanotechnologie? Přijďte na Nanoden v Ústí nad Labem! Předvedeme vám novinky českých nanotechnologických firem a seznámíte se i s aplikovaným nanotechnologickým výzkumem. Nanoden je jedinečná příležitost potkat se s podnikateli i vědci v oboru...
Invitation to the networking events with presentations of the leading Czech nanotechnology researchers and manufacturers in BENELUX
The Czech Republic is one of the global leaders in research, development and industrial production based on nanotechnologies in various sectors: from scientific instrumentation and optics, through biotechnology to environmental applications, energy sector, textile and...
Invitation to NanoDay Milano 2019
Date: 23 October 2019, Venue: World Hotel Cristoforo Colombo in Milano Registration starts at 9:30 | Corso Buenos Aires, 3, 20124 Milano MI The Czech NanoDay 2019 event in Milano will provide an opportunity to meet Czech business and R&D partners active in the...
Invitation to NanoDay Prague 2019
Are you interested in the newest technologies? Visit Nanoday in Prague where you can get your hands on the most interesting novelties from the Czech nanotechnologies. We will explain how the world which we can see only through a microscope works and we will show you...
Czech NanoDay in London caught attention of even Her Majesty’s government’s member
The Czech Nano Day in London presented revolutionary products of twelve Czech companies who are active in the field of nanotechnologies. Czech nanofilters produced drinking water from the turbid water of the Thames river and a nanobattery demonstrated the potential...
Czech nano wall in London
The first and largest nano exhibit of the CZECH NANODAY LONDON 2018 is already installed in London. The Czech company FN – NANO s.r.o. created a photocatalytic "nano wall" at the Czech Embassy, which can compensate for the negative effects of nitrogen oxides and...
Nano Day in London 2018
Date: 23 October 2018, Venue: Embassy of the Czech Republic in London The Czech Nano Day 2018 event in London will provide an opportunity to meet Czech business and R&D partners active in the field of nanotechnology Czech companies and researchers will be...