Scimed Biotechnologies s.r.o.
Czech biotechnology company that participates in the production of nanofiber face masks. The company's R&D has a long-term focus on bio- and nanomaterials and their use in medicine.

Scino B
Ústní roušky a polomasky s nanovlákennou membránou. K ochraně před virovou nebo bakteriální nákazou si vyberte buď třívrstvé jednorázové roušky s nanovlákennou membránou Scino B nebo robustnější sedmivrstvé jednorázové polomasky s nanovlákennou membránou Scino B.
Klimentská 1216/46, Praha
Články o Scimed Biotechnologies
Recommended: Czech Producers of Nanofiber Protective Equipment
We present to you our list of producers and suppliers of nanofiber filtration membrane products protecting the respiratory system. All of them are members of the Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association. The list includes producers and suppliers of nano face masks, nano respirators, nano filters for textile masks featuring a pocket, as well as antivirus scarfs and neck gaiters with a nanofiber filter.