Nano Day in London 2018

Autor: ANP ČR


Date: 23 October 2018, Venue: Embassy of the Czech Republic in London

The Czech Nano Day 2018 event in London will provide an opportunity to meet Czech business and R&D partners active in the field of nanotechnology

Czech companies and researchers will be presenting the most advanced Czech products and technologies and showcasing nanomaterials, nanotech-based batteries, air-cleaning coatings, air and water filters, textiles and nanocomposites.

The event is organised together with the Czech Nanotechnology Industries Association whose members are 22 nanotechnology companies, and the cluster organisation Nanoprogress whose members are 48 companies, excellent KET centres, universities and other actors from nanotechnology and complementary industries. You can look forward to seeing life demonstration of the production of nanofibers on the worldwide unique equipment developed by the Technical University of Liberec with the support of the cluster Nanoprogress.

In addition to Czech Nano Association and Nanoprogress, the following companies have confirmed their participation:

The goal of this event is to strengthen bilateral Czech-British cooperation in the fast developing field of nanotechnology. The event will be part of the “Czech Week” (22.-28. 10. 2018), which is organised to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Czechoslovakia.

To find out more about the nanotechnology sector in the Czech Republic, click here.

If you are interested in attending these presentations, please do not hesitate to contact the commercial department of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in London –

Aleš Opatrný, Economic Counsellor, Embassy of the Czech Republic in London.

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